This is an unofficial release of Darkbot with the latest code 6f6 in an extensive work done by Ron (Ronner), who ported it to Windows. Although being fully tested and all commands being working use at your own risk. Please report any malfunction to Undernet's #Darkbot help team. There are no sample command lines in perform.ini nor deop.ini files but you have plenty of examples included in the accompanied help documents. Just click on the files and check the pages. By default this Darkbot will connect to Undernet and join channel #Darkbot where you find Darkbot's help team who put this version together. This is done because we want to know how this release is doing. However, you should not leave your Darkbot unattended in our (and yours) help channel; as soon as your Darkbot is up and running, tested, you have no doubts and don't need any help from us, issue command !SETCHAN #YourChannelHere and !PART #Darkbot after /msg login #YourDarkbotNick YourPassword or edit setup.ini (and servers.ini if your intended network is not Undernet). We do appreciate you participate to us eventual errors and suggestions you think should improve Darkbot, not only on Darkbot program itself but also about the help documents. Now please, do yourself and us a favor, READ Win32Config.htm and all documents included in darkbot\docs folder ;) (only on this version the links in \docs folder are pointed to due to being down) Best regards LuizCB (Pincel) [October 10, 2001]