##### The following 28 examples are as they will appear in your info2.db. Copy/past them replacing whatever you feel necessary. ##_## To see online what they can do write the topic (first *word* on the left) of each sample line on your channel or/and use command DISPLAY to see it's syntax. #_#_# Check Example #01 so you don't get confused how to use this examples. #___# THIS IS NOT a *.db FILE so don't just put it in your dat directory thinking it is a info2.db #01# Adding a simple topic reply (when someone writes 'word' Darkbot answers 'reply here'. To add it online will be 'Darkbot add word reply here') word reply here #02# Adding a multiple word topic word1+word2 This is a multiple word topic (word1 and word2 must be separated by + instead of a space) #03# Adding a topic with wildcards wil?card This is a wildcard topic example using ?. Darkbot will trigger the reply for word 'wil?card' with any character in the position of '?'. *wildcard This is a wildcard topic example using *. Everything before the word plus the word itself will trigger the reply. #04# Adding a reply with variables variables (this is an example of variables) Hi N~, welcome to C~. I'm glad you asked now (T~) about "Q~" as R~ witnessed. I can tell you that I'm running V~ on server S~, port P~ and you can learn how this can be done at W~ or by typing !~Q~ and me, B~, will display Q~ #05# Adding a action reply action +this is an example of a reply as an action #06# Adding user's action reply ?action+test? (this is an example of user's action reply) topic must start with ?action+ and finish with a wildcard (* or ?) #07# Adding a PRIVMSG data reply as an action action2 -PRIVMSG C~ :ACTION This is an example of a reply as action (to do the code before ACTION type a space followed by $chr(01) and press TAB. Delete the space afterwards) Use it on multiple line replies. #08# Adding multiples replies multiple -PRIVMSG C~ :(this is an example of multiple replies) 1st line needs '-' before the redirection command | PRIVMSG C~ :line2 #09# Adding a reply with raw IRC command PRIVMSG privmsg -PRIVMSG N~ :this is an example of raw IRC command reply using prefix '-' and IRC command PRIVMSG which sends a private message to the user. #10# Adding a reply with raw IRC command NOTICE notice -NOTICE C~ :this is an example of raw IRC command reply using prefix '-' and IRC command NOTICE which sends a notice to all users in the channel. #11# Adding a reply with raw IRC command TOPIC topic -TOPIC C~ :this is an example of raw IRC command reply using prefix '-' and IRC command TOPIC which changes channel's topic. #12# Adding a reply with raw IRC command KICK kick -KICK C~ N~ :this is an example of raw IRC command reply using prefix '-' and IRC command KICK which applies a kick to the user on the channel. #13# Adding a reply with raw IRC command BAN ban -BAN C~ N~ :this is an example of raw IRC command reply using prefix '-' and IRC command BAN which applies a ban to the user on the channel. #14# Adding a reply with raw IRC command MODE (DO NOT USE. Not Active) mode -MODE C~ :+tn (this is this is an example of raw IRC command reply using prefix '-' and IRC command MODE which changes channel's modes - needs to be defined in defines.h). #15# Adding a tokenized reply token* 3~ 4~ 2~ 1~ (this is an example of Tokenized Replies - just write tokens followed by a couple words and see it's position change on the reply) give+me+* +gives N~ 3~ big 4~ #16# Adding an ILC (1st 1 to use as a channel information, 2nd 1 to use as an user information) ilc+#channelabc known for spamming bots. (this is an example of command ILC) ILC+UserABC UserABC did a mass flood to #mychannel #17# Adding IRC raw command TEMPBAN permitting to temporarily ban one user from the channel tempban+me -PRIVMSG C~ :okay N~. | TEMPBAN #18# Adding IRC raw command KICK followed by TEMPBAN (KICKTEMPBAN) permitting to kick and temporarily ban one user from the channel kicktempban+me -KICK C~ N~ :sure, came back in 60s! | TEMPBAN #19# Adding IRC raw command BAN permitting to ban one user from the channel ban+me -PRIVMSG C~ :okay N~. | BAN #20# Adding IRC raw command KICK followed by BAN (KICKBAN) permitting to kick and ban one user from the channel kickban+me -KICK C~ N~ :get out! | BAN #__# Adding random topic/replies #21# The following is an example of Random Topic/Files that writes a file ~greetings (will be greetings.rdb in your dat dir) and links topic 'hi' to it in order to register random replies Darkbot will outputs every time someone writes 'hi'. hi ~greetings #22# The following is another example of Random Topic/Files that writes a file ~greetings (will be greetings.rdb in your dat dir) and links topic 'hello' to it in order to register random replies Darkbot will outputs every time someone writes 'hello'. hello ~greetings #23# The following are syntax examples of Random Replies that adds and writes in the file ~greetings (greetings.rdb in your dat dir) the answers Darkbot will give when someone writes 'hi' or 'hello'. THIS SHOULD BE ISSUED DIRECTLY TO YOUR DARKBOT ON IRC OR YOU HAVE TO EDIT THE FILE DIRECTLY IF DONE OFFLINE. #entry1# Darkbot randstuff ~hi Hi N~ ;) #entry2# Darkbot randstuff ~hi Hey N~ ;) #entry3# Darkbot randstuff ~hi Hello N~ ;) ##_#_## THIS IS NOT A *.db FILE so don't just put it in your dat directory thinking it is a info2.db ##Have fun!_____________________________Pincel_______________________Oct292001_____________________________END## #